Posts Tagged ‘Curious George’

If you haven’t heard by now, a female caller to this morning Rush Limbaugh program said that her 12 year old daughter told her she thought Barack Obama looked like the comic strip character, “Curious George.”    This is just a hint of the undercurrent of the issue of race in this election. 

 While I don’t fault the 12-yr. old, I find it sad that some Americans still have a fear of electing ethnic minorities to high office — afraid they’ll do what?  Many minority public servants exemplify the very best America has to offer (Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice) , regardless of color, race, or creed.  The reality, however, is that there are those who seek to harm Obama or any other black candidate that may run for the presidential office.

 Personally, I will not be voting for Obama, purely on his lack of experience, his desire to replace personal responsibility with even more government programs, bigger government and higher taxes and an overly aggressive and angry woman he has for a wife.